As with most middle school students, we benefited from the advice and encouragement of older students we knew in middle school and high school. Some things are best relayed by older students who were just in your shoes. So once in high school, we started out by returning to Sutton Middle School to help a couple of our old coaches give insights and teach skills that we found valuable and knew other students would likely find advantageous. It helped us better understand our activities/sports as well as improve the performance of the Middle School students in their competitions. The Middle School coaches were happy for the extra support and our high school coaches liked the idea of us promoting our activities/sports to future North Atlanta High School students. So we started talking to other Sutton Middle School and North Atlanta High School coaches and soon discovered that many of them wanted to start similar programs with student coaches in their activity/sports. One Sutton coach said he had wanted a program like this for over 10 years. We worked with the Middle School and High School coaches to gauge their interest and select students that were best suited to run programs in their activities/sports. When incoming Freshman started asking us when they could return to help the Middle School students, we grew more confident that we were on the right track. The objective isn't just to improve the performance of students now, but to help ensure that students continue these activities in High School. Becoming better leaders, forging relationships with future teammates and helping them navigate the jump to high school is our goal. And that's why we are proud to say that we were Started by Students and Run by students.

Our Programs

Skill Enhancement
person using phone and laptop
person using phone and laptop

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